The show, based on a 2019 book by Matthew Quirk, follows a night agent named Peter Sutherland, who is housed in the basement ...
Season two of "The Night Agent" releases on Netflix on Thursday. Here a recap of season one.
This weekend marks the start of February, and with a new month comes brand new movie and TV lineups coming to all of the ...
West Wing' stars Bradley Whitford and Allison Janney reunite in 'The Diplomat' Season 3. Whitford plays Todd Penn, husband to ...
Moviefone attends the 2025 Next on Netflix live-action film and TV preview, which included presentations from Ben Affleck, Tina Fey, and Guillermo del Toro.
After a scandal forces her brother (Justin Theroux) to resign, Hudson's Isla has to work on proving her skeptical family, the board and sports community that she is adept for the job.
Netflix started its move into original programming with dark and broody dramas such as Lilyhammer, House of Cards and Narcos. Over the years, it has expanded into multi-camera sitcoms, reality ...
The youngest person to serve as White House press secretary has made her debut in the briefing room, promising to hold ...