Within the Federal Authorities, the legislative power is exercised by the Federal Parliament on the one hand, consisting of two assemblies (the Chamber of Representatives and the Senate) and on the ...
As a result of the Copernicus reforms of the government, the 'cabinet', meaning the immediate staff of a member of the government, was replaced by a secretariat and cells, which together form the ...
As the head of the government, the Prime Minister is the government's face and voice with respect to the country's main institutions. It is no secret that the Prime Minister is regularly received by ...
Rubbish must be sorted at source in order for it to be recycled. Some types of rubbish are collected at your house. But you can also dispose of it at collection points and container parks. Companies ...
Le Conseil des ministres s'est réuni au 16 rue de la Loi le vendredi 21 février 2025, sous la présidence du Premier ministre Bart De Wever. Vous pouvez lire les décisions du Conseil des ministres sur ...
En mai 2024, le SPF Santé publique, en collaboration avec les régions et les communautés lançait la campagne de sensibilisation sur les perturbateurs endocriniens. Son objectif était de mieux protéger ...
In mei 2024 startte de FOD Volksgezondheid in samenwerking met de gemeenschappen en gewesten de sensibiliseringscampagne over hormoonverstoorders. Het doel was om toekomstige mama’s en hun baby’s ...
Via BE-Alert waarschuwt de overheid u per sms bij een noodsituatie (overstroming, chemisch ongeval, brand in de buurt …). Wie gewaarschuwd is, kan de juiste reflexen aan de dag leggen en de specifieke ...
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